Chapter 11

The following day Sharon had a meeting to discuss the status of an on-going project.

She reported the relevant details and promised to follow-up on the questions that went unanswered.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Roger stood in the hallway waiting for the following meeting to commence. Sharon walked by and handed him a stapler.

"Roger" she said, "have you heard from Sandy yet about the new functional protocols?"

"No, she hasn't sent me anything yet" he replied. "She's probably still busy cleaning up the mess from last week."

"Indeed." Sharon turned and ran down the hallway as fast as she could.

Roger could faintly hear Prince's "Dolphin" emanating from one of the cubicles. He put his sunglasses on and strutted into the meeting room.

He scoped out the room and chose the third chair from the front on the other side of the conference table.